Blue Mosque, Mazar i Sharif, Afghanistan, 1991, 1992″Doves in front of Mazar-e Sharif’s famous ‘Blue Mosque,’ the Tomb of Hazrat Ali. Revered by Muslims as the tomb of the son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed, this 15th-century mosque near the border of Uzbekistan is named for the cobalt blue and turquoise colors of its minarets and domes. Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan, 1991.”- George Eastman House”The white doves are a tourist attraction for Afghans. They are fed and cared for by travelers – by traders and farmers who come to market, and by residents of the northern region who come to the city to pray at the large mosque. In a country not given to leisure travel, the doves provide a symbol of peace.” – Phaidon 55NYC5926, MCS1994002 K046
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