Préity Üupala was the Brown Girl of the Month for December 2014. Below she gives us an update on her life and her work that she has been focusing on since then.
I’m passionate about global cultural issues. My life “dharma” or life purpose is to inspire and empower people through my work and presence. Truly a global citizen of the world, having travelled to over 60 countries and speaking five languages, my work has always been imbued by an international fragrance. You learn about tolerance and to be more understanding of other’s cultures and values and I feel this gives you enormous emotional intelligence and maturity.
I feel my education and corporate experience in investment banking and consulting has added business tools to my varied skill set. I know that I cannot affect the world at large the way I want to through the corporate world so I have accepted that truth and never looked back. I wake up every day and genuinely feel like I’m on a purpose and feel fortunate to manifest the reality I desire.
The world industry is changing drastically and this is only a good thing. The issue of ethnic diversity is very prominent in the industry right now. However, time will tell how fast the industry wants to evolve in that area.
There is still a scarcity of roles for minority actors yet I would argue that this is the best time ever in the history of TV and film to be a “desi” actor. One must be hopeful and have a positive outlook and turn to other platforms to express themselves creatively and to create their own opportunities and content.
I’m pleased to announce that I have been appointed the global brand ambassador of Australian lifestyle brand Oenoviva. Oenoviva is the premiere Urban Winery brand in the world. I am very excited to see the brand expanding and to grow with it.
On a more personal note, my quest for spiritual knowledge and evolution has led me to explore both within myself as well as in powerful vortexes around the world. I am embarking on producing my own TV show. This unique show takes a profound, transformative journey through the world truly inspiring the viewers to embark on their own personal journey in search of inner peace and happiness.
In 2016, I have also manifested the opportunity of launching a spiritual podcast/ radio show with Universal Broadcasting network here at sunset Gower studios called “The Eternal Hour.” It takes an enlightening look at spirituality in the modern day, especially in Hollywood.
Real inner success within rather than outer worldly success out there. Why is it that the void has become so large, the disconnect so great and what is the answer? These are the most important questions one needs to answer now. I see this being an authentic expression of who I am and want to share more in this realm.
I am proud to be an ambassador for GWEN — Global Women’s Empowerment network and Safe Passage — a women’s empowerment foundation. I think these causes have become incredibly important today, especially considering what’s going on as an international dialogue.
The future looks very exciting, and I feel blessed and enthusiastic for the ride ahead.