People devote almost sixteen years to studies and building careers. But what about building a relationship? The life of an average college student revolves around studying, which often leaves little or no room for maintaining relationships. Of course, the first months of a new relationship are exciting and effortless, when you just get to know each other. Still, after the effects of infatuation wear off, you start noticing your partner’s shortcomings and flaws. It’s not a secret that the lack of time, stress, chronic fatigue, and tons of homework are not conducive to maintaining a relationship. Nonetheless, a hectic lifestyle and college turmoil shouldn’t interfere with your personal happiness. Below you can find some useful tips on how to maintain a relationship in college and let your feelings evolve into a lifelong commitment.
Maintain a Healthy Life Balance
College opens multiple opportunities for students. Therefore, lots of young learners try their best to achieve academic success and acquire important professional skills that will come in handy for their future career. But happiness doesn’t consist solely in good grades, successful career, or a well-paid job. It’s a rare person that can feel truly happy and self-accomplished without having someone by their side who can offer love and support. Of course, it’s difficult to juggle part-time jobs, countless assignments, and relationship at the same time. It’s also difficult to resist the temptation to hang out with new college pals and make new acquaintances, which means spending less time with your loved one.
Still, if you’re determined to keep the spark in your relationship alive, you’ll need to learn to keep a balance between your studies and love life. If a mountain of homework looms on the horizon and you feel way too tired to cope with it, you can always get professional help with an essay or any other type of assignment. Remember, if your life is overflowing you won’t be able to achieve coveted balance. Switch off your gadgets, including your Smartphone for at least a couple of hours and spend time with your partner. Allow yourself to disconnect from troubles and just try to enjoy the romantic atmosphere. Such moments will not only strengthen your bonds but also let you chill out and take your mind off everyday problems, which, as you know, are an integral part of college life.
Express Your Needs and Respect the Needs of Your Partner
A key to a healthy relationship is mutual respect and awareness of each others’ needs and interests. It’s crucial that you know what your partner wants from life and aspires for. If your loved one is more career-oriented or ambitious than you, you should be prepared for summer internships, long hours spent in the campus library or in front of a computer, not beside you. Don’t be hysterical o repressive, even when you feel like abandoned or ignored. It’s up to you to decide whether to accept the current relationship pattern or try building new relationships where you’ll feel more comfortable and satisfied.
Anyway, don’t lose your face and remember that your partner may need a helping hand and understanding just as badly as you do. College is quite a stressful period. You should be patient and supportive if you’re determined to keep your relationship strong.
Still, you also shouldn’t forget about your needs, dreams, and aspirations. Self-abnegation has nothing to do with a successful relationship. Be sure to communicate your needs in a relationship. A lack of communication may lead to anger, sadness and resentment toward your partner. Don’t be afraid of initiating them into your intimate feelings. Tell them about your desires, needs, and worries. By doing so, you’ll learn to trust and confide in your loved one and also encourage them to do the same.
Give Each Other Space and Freedom
Freedom, in some way, is synonymous to trust without which any relationship is doomed to fail. We all need personal space that shouldn’t be violated even by our closest people. Both you and your partner should have time for yourselves, your friends, families, and hobbies. Give your significant other enough room for self-development and never sacrifice your personal space. Even if you major in the same subject, take the same courses, and have common interests, it doesn’t mean that you should always be together and be aware of each other’s every movement. Being free in a relationship doesn’t mean being dissolute or unfaithful. It’s the ability to maintain your individuality and independence. So, be sure to nurture mutual trust, freedom, and equality in your college relationship and let it move on to the next level.