Tina Aswani Omprakash
Tina Aswani Omprakash is from the NYC area and her background is in legal compliance for financial services. Due to the severity of her Crohn’s and multiple extraintestinal manifestations, she has been unable to work. Nevertheless, she is a proud volunteer and the 2018 Honored Hero for the NYC Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. As a Crohn’s patient, Tina has served as a case study for a number of renowned doctors and surgeons across the country. Medical staff and researchers have been particularly intrigued by the rare yet aggressive genetic progression of her disease given her South Asian heritage. She hopes that the research done on her will someday serve to help future populations of IBD patients. She hopes to give brown women suffering in silence and in shame a voice that creates greater awareness and acceptance of their daily struggles. You can keep up with her at her blog.