February 15 marked the day that Brown Girl of the Month Rakhee Patel took a stance to open up and talk about her battle with Crohn’s disease and how one can understand chronic illness. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammation of the digestive tract with systemic effects.
The team was able to conduct a Twitter chat, #BGTalksRecovery, with Rakhee to better understand how she tackles her daily to-dos while managing to not only learn to appreciate herself, but help others as well. Check out the important conversation below.
Q & A #1
A1. That even though there are often no visible effects, Crohn’s Disease can be serious and very debilitating. The lack of understanding around this deprives many of the practical and emotional support they need. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #2
A2. Spread awareness: shave my head!
Overcome my illness: seek advice from a Taoist monk and a yogi – weird but with dramatically positive consequences.
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #3
A3. There was no time to be embarrassed! Pre-stoma, when I had to go I had to NOW! One time I ran into a Nandos, the waiter asked me if I’d like a table. I simply shouted “Nope”, ran to the bathroom then left without saying anything. Poor guy. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #4
A4. It certainly makes it more difficult to talk about my health openly when the symptoms I have experienced relate to personal matters such as bowel movements and bums. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #5
A5. I accept my body. I became super immune to social opinions by taking inspiration from those posting their stories on social media. Then it became easier. Also after experiencing severely ill states, social acceptance dropped lower on my list of priorities. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #6
A6. Chronic pain REALLY took it’s toll on my mental state – my mind was not equipped to withstand it. Conversely, when I started to work on breaking my mind’s subconscious negative thought patterns, my health improved greatly. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #7
A7. We live in communities where many members portray false pictures of perfect/elite lives and people who stray from the norm are not always socially accepted. Those with physical and mental problems can fall into this category. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #8
A8. Identity I struggle with even now – one minute I feel like Wonder Woman and the next minute I’m lying on the floor complaining. Relationships with those in my inner circle have only become stronger as a result of them looking after me. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #9
A9. I use similar tools for wellbeing in healthy and unhealthy times.I take medicine, I eat (relatively) healthily, I rest and most importantly I MEDITATE.I cannot stress enough how much creating a healthier mental/emotional state has improved my physical health. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #10
A10. Having a stoma formed was a decision I made in order to create a better life for myself. The surgery was huge and recovery traumatic so it was an achievement to have come through it. Remembering that gives me confidence and humility. #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #11
A11. Ultimately experiencing illness has introduced me to my spiritual life. It’s like all the material goals I had before now seem dull and unappealing. I just want to live in a state of love. Yes, I am aware that I sound like a hippy :) #BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018
Q & A #12
A12. To those experiencing illness – if you’re feeling sad, angry, frustrated. That’s ok; feel it. You may not have hope right now. That’s ok too. Whatever your situation, you’re doing so incredibly well.
To people who have overcome – Salute!#BGTalksRecovery
— Rakhee Patel (@RakheeHeadShave) February 15, 2018