Drink your way to better hair and skin with these five DIY beauty elixirs! Let’s dive right into them, so you can get started!
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1. Morning Detox

– 2 tbsps of unfiltered apple cider vinegar
– lemon mate green tea
– hot water
– half a squeezed lemon juice
– pinch of cayenne pepper
This first one I absolutely can not live without. I drink this first thing in the morning to start my day off right! ACV promotes weight loss, reduces cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar levels. The cayenne pepper boosts your metabolism while the lemon juice cleanses your body.
2. Gut Cleanser

– warm water
– 1/2 tsp of Triphala churna
This one is so simple and so effective. Pick up Triphala churna from any Southeast Asian grocery store, mix it with warm water, and have this mixture before you go to sleep. It encourages balanced, full elimination by pulling stagnated toxic residue from the digestive tract! Your gut and skin will thank you!
3. Anti-aging

– hot water
– matcha powder
– 1 scoop of collagen powder
Your body produces collagen on a regular basis but this process does slow down with age. Ingesting it can promote skin elasticity and help prevent future wrinkles. Matcha tea contains catechin polyphenols, the compounds with high antioxidant activity, which make this tea anti-aging superfood!
4. Anti-Inflammatory

– hot water
– turmeric
– honey
– pinch of black pepper
Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties! It’s a natural anti-inflammatory compound and increases the antioxidant capacity of the body. The honey also adds anti-inflammatory properties and the black pepper allows the turmeric to be better absorbed by your body!
5. Pre-Party Glow

– hot water
– half a squeezed lemon juice
– aloe vera juice
This is my favorite elixir to whip up a few hours before a big event. Aloe vera juice helps to reduce the frequency and appearance of acne. The lemon and aloe vera juice both give the skin the most amazing glow!
Try these elixirs out a couple of times a week and glow your way into 2019!