by Arpita Mehta
We live in the age of multi-tasking, taking on more than we can handle and working hard to do it all. It’s definitely difficult being in high school, college, grad school or a working girl in this day and age. These technology life hacks will make it easier for you to do what you are doing, with a little help. We spend half of our days on our laptops and smart phones, why not put that time to good use by being productive and resourceful?
From reading the news to finding the perfect outfit, here are some tips to make every Brown Girl’s life a little easier:
1. TheSkimm.com
You thought following CNN on Twitter was easier than reading the newspaper but then realized you don’t have time to scroll through your Twitter feed? TheSkimm is a gift from the heavens. Every morning at around 6AM an email is sent to your inbox with a breakdown of what’s important in the world. Started by two women entrepreneurs, they literally skim the news and send it right to your inbox to read with your morning coffee. Of course they break down the news so you can actually understand what is happening and add sassy remarks to make your morning more enjoyable. You will impress your friends and colleagues with your knowledge of the world after signing up for TheSkimm.
2. Wunderlist
This is for all the to- do list lovers and sticky note makers. This app makes it easier than ever to organize your life and then cross off your tasks as you complete them. It even sends you reminders to your email to remind you of pending tasks – yes it can be nagging, but it will definitely make sure you finish what you have to.
3. Venmo
If you are at dinner or sharing a cab with a friend, you no longer need to worry about splitting the bill or reminding someone to pay you back. Venmo is a trusted app that links to your bank account and allows you to pay people through your phone or charge them. The next time you go to dinner with 18 friends, you won’t have to wait an hour for the check, you can simply have one person pay the bill and individually pay them through Venmo. If your friends aren’t on Venmo, invite them! It saves time and is extremely easy, you can also cash out through the app.
This website is your ultimate fashion calculator. Picture this: your friend is having an outdoor bridal shower but its cold and rainy outside, what do you wear? DFTD allows you to enter your occasion and weather then curates an outfit for you to either copy from your own closet or order individual pieces from their website. It’s a one-stop shop for dressing inspiration for those days when you have no clue what to wear.
5. LastPass
Work passwords; email passwords, Facebook, Twitter and a million other apps. Today everything requires a password but with LastPass you will no longer need to remember 50 different password combinations. LastPass is a secure password website where you can save your logins to different websites, all you have to do is remember your LastPass password and it will save all your passwords. No more pressing “Forgot Password” when you login from a different computer or forget your AppleID for the tenth time, LastPass will save your life.
Featured Image Source: Women.SiliconIndia.com