How did you first learn to contour? Did you read a whitepaper about it or follow an intricate 17-step diagram? Probably not. Chances are, you watched a YouTube video about it.
The fact is that 75 percent of people would rather watch a video about something than read copy. And that number is only increasing.
Lots of companies are catching on and meeting customers where their attention is — by making video content. But here’s the thing…you don’t necessarily need to be a big brand or YouTuber to take advantage of video marketing.
Here are a few different groups of people who could use video content to stand out from the competition.
1. Job Seekers
As a job seeker, you’re probably going to have to do a video interview at some point. But, you could also be ahead of the curve by doing a video bio where you tell your story, talk about your skills, experience, and areas of interest. This is especially useful if you don’t have a very linear career path. A creative video gives you the opportunity to explain things that don’t appear on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or cover letter.
2. Entrepreneurs
Whether it’s a side hustle or a fulltime gig, a lot of millennials are ditching the 9-to-5 life to do something entrepreneurial. One of the best ways to showcase your product, service, or brand, and to differentiate yourself is through video. This could be through an explainer video that’s more product-centric, or through a personal branding video that’s more profile-centric and tells your story.
[Read More: 9to5 MisFits: How to Become a Master Storyteller]
3. Freelancers
We have a few friends who used to work for companies and then decided to go out on their own. They were lucky enough to have a client base to start with because they could tap into their network. But what happens when the work dries up and you need to look for new clients? One of the best ways to create awareness about your brand and your services is through video. A video would also be a great addition to your profile on Upwork or other freelancer sites. Because a photo or written copy on your profile will only go so far.
4. Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Realtors
There are plenty of professions where the personality of the service provider matters just as much their credentials. Sure, you want a doctor or dentist who’s gone to a credible school. Or you want a realtor who’s experienced. But at the end of the day, what matters more is their personality and how they make you feel. It’s the reason we prefer to go with someone our friends and family recommended. If you’re in a similar profession where you have to go out and get your own clients, and where you have to build trust and an emotional connection with your audience, video is absolutely crucial to your marketing.
Video marketing is getting more popular by the day. Just look at how much Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram is making a play at video. It’s the best way to differentiate yourself in a noisy, ADD-fueled world. Start making video content today!