by Pavi Dinamani & Namrata Sirur
Quitting your job isn’t easy, but sometimes you just know it’s time to go. Hopefully, you’ve come to the decision after some careful thought and deliberation (and after watching the video below). Either way, the next step is to figure out how to actually quit the right way, and believe us, there IS a wrong way.
The first time we quit our jobs, we didn’t exactly have a plan, and the results speak for themselves — Pavi went into a hole and Nammy vegetated on her couch. Not our proudest moments, but we made mistakes so you don’t have to. So what are some things to plan for?
[Read More: “The 9to5 Misfits Learn Some Interesting Things from a Non-Immigrant“]
Health Insurance: If you don’t have another job lined up, it’s really important to know where you’re going to get health insurance from, whether that’s through COBRA, the marketplace, or if possible, through your spouse or parents’ insurance. Or, if you’re Ron Swanson and don’t believe in health insurance, all the power to you.
Unemployment benefits: If you quit voluntarily, you won’t be eligible for unemployment benefits. It’s not the end of the world, but it is something to be aware of.
Finances: Think about what sort of financial shape you’re in prior to quitting. Ask yourself the following questions: Do you have enough savings to get you through at least 6 months without any money coming in? If not, do you have other means of making money on the side as you look for jobs, perhaps a side hustle or freelance gig?
Your Daily Schedule: The first few days after quitting a job feel great! No more waking up at 5 am, sitting in traffic, dealing with passive aggressive emails from your boss or incessant football talk from your coworkers … I mean, screw those guys, right? Been there, done that! But once that initial high wears off, it gives way to feelings of confusion, uselessness, and even depression. One way we tackled that was by adding structure to our day. For more on that, click here.
Ok, now that the planning phase is done, it’s time to execute in the following ways.
Quitting gracefully: As tempting as it is to have Bridget Jones moment, you’re probably better off sticking to the company guidelines. Provide your boss with a written notice within the requisite amount of time (usually 2 weeks), be courteous, and let him/her know that you’ll try to make the transition as smooth as possible. Also, be prepared to answer some tough questions about why you’re leaving or for the possibility of a counteroffer.
Preparing to leave: There’s usually a lot of loose ends to tie up before leaving, whether it’s wrapping up projects, training your replacement, transferring documents, etc. Remember, your “senioritis” will be strong on the last day, leaving you with zero motivation to actually do any of the aforementioned tasks, so make sure to complete them well in advance so all you have to worry about on the last day is frequent interruptions from the IT guys and figuring out how to look graceful while shoveling large quantities of food, cake, or drinks in your mouth. Also, make sure to leave on good terms with your coworkers and boss, because you may very well cross paths at a later time.
[Read More: “The 9to5 Misfits Answer: Should I Quit My Job?“]
Quitting your job can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn’t have to end badly. You’ve got this!
Have any stories of your own, or need some encouragement or advice on quitting your job? Get in touch! We LOVE hearing from you guys and we read and respond to EVERYTHING. Shoot us an email at [email protected].
Stay weird,
Pavi & Nammy