by Prachi Jain – Follow @BrownGirlMag
“Belongingness” comes from being comfortable in your surroundings. Comfort leads to being confident, which makes it easier to assimilate. Whoever has accepted his or her adopted country’s ideology, culture, and lifestyle and has felt happy and comfortable doing so, does belong here.
I have carved pumpkins, hung ghosts, and left home later wearing my chaniya choli to play dandiya. I have presided over a Parent-Teacher Association board meeting right after an Indian heritage presentation in my child’s class. All with a gleeful heart and full commitment. I do belong here.
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Oscar parties, Superbowl pools, and Christmas galas have been as important to me as watching the Filmfare Awards, taking pride in Priyanka Chopra’s international success and planning for Diwali. When I step out, I am not conscious of me being different. From considering living here to loving being here, I have enjoyed each experience. My heart is at home. I do belong!
Prachi works as a freelance copywriter. She likes to write short stories. With two kids, a part-time job, and an immense love for reading, writing and jogging, she is hard pressed for time – all the time. Her work has been published in Foliate Oak, Vending Machine Press, and Ascent Aspirations to name a few.