My name is Kamini Ramdeen, and just like everyone else in the world, I’d like to think that I’m not like everyone else in the world (you see what I did there?). I’m a writer. It’s the only thing that I’ve known that I could do.

It’s freeing, it’s passionate, it’s intensity, it’s mind over matter, and with a pen (or a keyboard in today’s society) I can expand and contract the world we view, loop it in bring it out, explain with fervor, or just a slight, bring something to light. It’s a tool I use to find you, communicate with you, and have you see what I see, except the impetuous reader may not understand, that what I see is what you see, cause you’re reading it first hand.

I can play with words all day long and never tire. I will never find words as a bore, chore, or find my head tipping over a loud snore. You get the idea, so I’ll spare you the rest of my sing-song prose. Besides, my intense love of creative writing, I’m a graduate of St. John’s University. I hold a BA in History, which is something else I love intensely because it ties wonderfully in with my love of books. Even though many find history incredibly dry and horribly ho-hum, I find it fascinating. After all, there’s a history to me and to you, how you got here, how we all got here. It’s like the world’s biggest puzzle of sorts, combining stories with different narratives and views, all reaching for the same topics. Some accounts unknown, some over-viewed.

Currently, I’m working my way through life. Figuring out the next steps while I blog with several publications. In a few years, I see myself hopefully heading my editorial staff and completing my true career goal, which is to write my own novels. I want to create a world for people to get lost in and forget where they are, because the pages they will turn will transport them out of this universe and into another. That’s the final dream!
Fun Facts:
I’m Guyanese — so be ready to read more about the West Indian culture too.
I’m a dog owner — I have to mention her (if you know me you’re rolling your eyes, because it’s not like I don’t talk about this dog enough, I also write about her too. Yes, I have an intense love for my pet. She’s my little “baba-loo.” She’s a beagle and will be two-years-old on May 1st.
I’m a big time Mommy-Girl — (no explanation necessary, I just love my mom)
I only like movies and TV where there is tons of action — I mean something is about “to-go down-type-of-action (i.e. Sons of Anarchy, Scarface, Ray Donovan, The Sopranos, The Departed, etc).
Images provided by Kamini Ramdeen