Bollywood star Nushrat Bharucha stars in Hansal Mehta’s Diwali entertainer, “Chhalaang.” The film is a social comedy addressing the value of sports education, and the relationship between teacher Montu, played by Rajkummar Rao, and his students. Bharucha plays the role of Neelima, an ambitious woman who takes up a job at a school in a small village. Montu is the “typical” PT teacher for whom his job is merely that — a job. He isn’t invested in his teaching until everything he cares for, including the love of his life, Neelu, is at stake. It’s then that he rises to the challenge that will help him win it all back: he must teach!
This film marks Bharucha’s debut in a movie helmed by Mehta. In a recent interview with ABP Live, Bharucha mentioned that she feels Hansal’s work inspires you to take action and is thought-provoking. And now, in an exclusive conversation with Brown Girl Magazine, the actress speaks about her experience of working with the director for the first time; she also talks about her children co-stars, and how they can give her a “run for her money,” and the importance of addressing a topic like sports education through the film,
In the video, she touts “Chhalaang” as a complete Diwali entertainer. Expectations were surely set high when the interview was conducted, and while the film may not be as artistically explorational as Mehta and Rao’s previous works (“Aligarh,” “Shahid,” “City Lights”) it will still surely entertain all audiences!
Catch Bharucha’s exclusive interview with Brown Girl Magazine, with me, as she addresses questions on Mehta, her child artist co-stars, and the representation of women in South Asian cinema.
The much-anticipated film is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video!