Online Wardrobe Shopping: Keeping Kids And Parents Happy

Taking your kids shopping is probably not your favorite parental duty. When we are talking about shopping for wardrobe items and back to school clothes it might leave you shuddering with dread. Keeping your kids happy with their choices, staying on budget, and getting your kids the clothes that you approve of can seem like an impossible challenge.

Enter online shopping. Since the explosion of e-commerce, more families than ever before are able to do all of their shopping from home and keep everyone happy. There are endless online stores and boutiques where you can find just about everything that you need to clothe your kids in style.

You can avoid the fights and endless begging from your children in an embarrassing public battle when you shop from home. Stores like Dainty Jewells can help you find everything from clothes for girls and boys, shoes, and accessories in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Let’s take a look at how online shopping can help you get what you need and keep everyone happy.

Cheaper Prices

Without the heavy financial costs of operating a warehouse or retail store, online merchants can afford to offer their wares at much cheaper prices. It’s easy to monitor new sales by adding your name to the email list of all of your favorite stores to get the latest updates. Check out some of the best wholesale clothing sites to enjoy incredible savings.

Shopping online for your children’s wardrobe is a great opportunity to teach them about commerce and budgeting. Set a specific spending limit for each child and help them to choose items that help them stay on budget. 

Shop Anytime

Let’s face it, going to the mall with your kids is a hassle any day of the week. When you shop online, you can skip trying to find a parking space and avoid the crowds. During this time in history as we are all trying to stay safe from the Coronavirus Pandemic, shopping online makes sense. Online shops are open 24/7, making it easy to sit down with the kids at a time that fits easily into your schedule.

Provide Choice

When you take your kids shopping at the mall it’s easy for them to get overwhelmed by the number of choices. With thousands of items displayed in storefronts, it can be almost impossible for your kids to focus on making just a few choices. 

Shopping online gives you the opportunity to focus on the items that you need on individual screens while still having limited choices. It’s a good idea to pick out a variety of items that you approve of ahead of sharing the list with your kids. This way, you are giving your kids the power of choosing their own favorites while making sure that they get the items that they really need.


We all know how fast kids can grow, making it tough to keep them in proper sizes all year long. When shopping online you should always check with each store’s individual sizing chart to help you make your selection. It’s also a good idea to err on the side of caution when choosing a size for your child. Items should be at least half a size bigger than their average current size so that they will have sufficient room to grow.

Shopping for clothes for your kids doesn’t have to be a hassle. Take the time to include your kids in their choices, let them show their own individuality, and get the clothes that are appropriate for each occasion. Shopping online can allow you to shop in comfort, find all the styles that you want, and keep both you and your kids happy with their new wardrobe. 


By Brown Girl Magazine

Brown Girl Magazine was created by and for South Asian womxn who believe in the power of storytelling as a … Read more ›