Wonder Woman
Hard work, year after year without any respite
Incessant demands of children and husband—
A woman like me might have taken a quick exit
Not her—simply because she isn’t human
Small and slight, stands just five feet tall
But the immense power and strength she packs inside
Could crumble an imposing mammoth wall
Or make an ancient baobab move
Fasting in Ramadan from sunrise to sundown
Rolled a mound of dough into chapattis for us
Helping us with homework without a frown
While fervently shelling peas and chopping onions
Sweaty and exhausted, she waited till all of us ate
Making sure everybody had a bellyful
Then watered down the curry while ladling her plate
Offering her share of mango to the youngest fave
Brimming with such talent, she was and is a conjuror
Wielding prettiest dresses from modest pieces of cloth
Saved her own occasional new clothes for use later
An iota of luxury for self was unacceptable to her
We knew and immediately reached for a thermometer
Her in bed, wasn’t a sight we saw every day
Taking a nap or resting the back wasn’t her
“I’m fine” she would sweetly lie to convince us
Years down, now, dad lies sick and confined to bed
She is now his mother, wife, sister and lifeline
Tirelessly nursing him with faith and patience undeterred
“It’s God’s will,” an aphorism, you can always hear her say
Wonder Woman, they ask? I know for sure, she is one
There might be others I don’t argue or dispute
But such purity and selflessness is alien to human
God, please always be with the miracle you sent us